Viewing and Adding Events

Written By Evan Kanouse (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 5th, 2021

Here's an interactive tutorial


1. Events allow you to track and classify information about students. The first step is to open a record and click Events.

Step 1 image

2. Click Add Record...

Step 2 image

3. Enter the date

Step 3 image

4. Choose the event type from the dropdown menu

Step 4 image

5. You can enter some preliminary notes now, or wait until the next step.

Step 5 image

6. Click UPDATE

Step 6 image

7. Once the event has been added and saved, you can view it. Go to the event in the list and click the View Record button.

Step 7 image

8. You can now enter notes if you did not do so in the previous step.

Step 8 image

9. You can assign the task to a faculty or staff member to notify them that it has been created. If you choose to do this, remember that records are searched Last Name First (i.e. Jason Jones becomes Jones, Jason). Enter the name and press tab.

Step 9 image

10. Click UPDATE when finished to save. If you decided to send an email notification, this is when the email would get sent.

Step 10 image

11. This is what the email notification looks like.

Step 11 image

12.  Click Files to view and add files to an event.

Step 12 image

13. Click Attach Files to upload a file if desired.

Step 13 image

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