1. The first step is to open Main - Axiom and click Launchpad
2. Click Calendars
3. Click Add a Group Event
4. Choose the CPG event type
5. Enter the event name
7. Choose the start date
8. Enter the start time and end time
9. Choose the organization where the event is taking place.
10. If the location does not appear in the search, enter it in the "Location" free text field.
11. If different than the start/end times, enter the class departure time, campus departure time, venue departure time, and return time.
12. Change the class attendance status to "Not Expected"
13. Update the school level, grade level (if applicable), and campus
14. Click "UPDATE" to save
15. Click Event Attendance
16. Click Add Record...
17. Type the student's last name and Press Tab
18. Select the desired student
19. Click UPDATE to save
20. That's it. You're done.