Creating Templates in Composer

Learn how to create custom templates with the drag-and-drop Composer.

Written By Evan Kanouse (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 21st, 2023

Veracross templates are a component of Composer that allows schools to create emails from previously created content. Templates can be created for specific departments, communication channels, or for the entire school. Each template is assigned a theme(s) that controls the basic layout settings for an individual email. Together templates and their themes provide users a kick-start to creating emails and ensure that schools can set layout guidelines for all email communication. 


Templates are added for each Communication Channel the school has configured. Multiple templates can be assigned to one channel, depending on the communication needs of that particular channel. Templates can be channel templates or global templates. Channel templates apply to only the channel from which they were created. Global templates provide schools the ability to create templates that transcend channels. When added they apply to all channels and can be used for any email creation regardless of the channel category.

Note: in order to choose a template with Composer, a new email must either be drafted beginning from a query result or directly from a communication channel; starting directly from a group record does not currently give the option to choose a template. If you are targeting this email to a group and want to use a specific template, you will need to launch Composer from a related query result or from the channel you are sending this email from, and then choose the applicable group on the "Select Recipients" tab in Composer.

Channel Templates

Add a channel template to a Communication Channel from the “Templates” tab on the Channel’s record. Select the “New Templates” link in the upper part of the tab. This will launch the Composer Editor for template building.

The Composer Editor for template building functions exactly the same as the Composer Editor for email creation. Drag and drop sections into the template that should be included in the template layout for emails in this channel. Think carefully about the type of information that is usually communicated to constituents within this channel and use it to inform how the email layout is configured. When a new email is created using this template, the saved template layout will automatically open in the Composer Editor for emails. The email writer can then insert their content within each section in the email template. The theme can also be modified, if desired. The content section layout pre-configured for this template will remain the same, but users can select a different themes to display their content. All themes configured in the system will be available to use in the template.

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